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MADISON TOWNSHIP, Ohio -- Two earthquakes were detected in Lake County Saturday morning, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Madison, which has been known to be a hotspot for earthquake activity, had a 2.6-magnitude earthquake at approximately 6:11 a.m. Saturday, then a 1.7-magnitude earthquake occurred at 11:15 a.m.

This is not new for the township. In August 2023, it saw a 4.0-magnitude earthquake. Though there was no damage, the police department received calls about it. Magnitude 4.0 earthquakes can often be felt but rarely cause damage.

A small quake hit Madison in January of this year, but again, it did not cause any damage.

X-FLARE AFTER X-FLARE AFTER X-FLARE: Exploding like popcorn, sunspot AR3664 (a.k.a. AR3697) produced three X-flares on May 31st and June 1st. The latest, a long-duration X1-class event, hurled a halo CME almost directly toward Earth.

Official forecast models are not yet available for the incoming CME. SOHO coronagraph data are still too fragmentary. However, we can make a good guess for the ETA: June 4th. The impact could produce strong G3-class geomagnetic storms.

Sunspot AR3664 has been decaying for days. What makes it so active? This magnetic map provides the answer:

Within the sunspot's primary core, two oppositely-signed magnetic poles are crowded together, + vs. -. When this happens, magnetic recombination can cause very powerful explosions even from a sunspot that's falling apart. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of X-flares and a 75% chance of M-flares on June 1st.

Remember when Hillary Clinton's lawyer spread the rumor that President Obama was not born in the U.S.?

Another example how Bob Fletcher was detailing weather weapons before dutchsinse discovered it on NLN.

YET ANOTHER X-FLARE: Sunspot AR3664 (a.k.a. AR3697) has decayed, but it is still potent. On May 31st it emitted another X-flare (X1.1), the third this week. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the extreme ultraviolet flash:

Radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, briefly causing a shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific side of North America. Signals below 30 MHz faded for as much as 30 minutes after the flare's peak (May 31st @ 2203 UT).

The flare, while intense, was too brief to lift a significant CME out of the sun's atmosphere. SOHO coronagraph images show no solar storm clouds heading for Earth.

What makes a decaying sunspot like AR3664 so active? This magnetic map provides the answer:

Within the sunspot's primary core, two oppositely-signed magnetic poles are crowded together, + vs. -. When this happens, magnetic recombination can cause very powerful explosions even from a sunspot that's falling apart. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of X-flares and a 75% chance of M-flares on June 1st.

It was shake, rattle and roll in central South Dakota.

A 3.7 magnitude earthquake occurred Thursday afternoon about 24 miles north of Pierre and Fort Pierre.

Initially reported as a 4.0 magnitude earthquake, Research Geophysicist Oliver Boyd explains what that
means as far as strength.

Is that snow in May? Nope, just a spring Colorado hailstorm that brought baseball-sized hail.

On Thursday night, the metro was slammed with damaging hail and a slew of rain. The Pinpoint Weather team said the hail moved in quickly and impacted cities like Denver, Thornton and Commerce City.

FOX31 viewers sent photos and videos of large hailstones, flooded streets and even some damaged windshields. FOX31 wasn’t immune to the storm, as our own news truck sustained heavy damage.

In the early morning of today (1st), a magnitude 5.5 earthquake occurred in Hualien. It was felt by almost half of Taiwan and woke up many people in their sleep. The maximum earthquake intensity was magnitude 4 in Hualien, Nantou, Yilan and Taichung. The Earthquake Center stated that this was the aftershock sequence of the 0403 earthquake. At around 8 a.m., a magnitude 4.9 earthquake also occurred in the waters east of Taiwan.

Radar Pulse Captured May 22, 2010
After all these years my research went back to 1997 when Doug Pooley was trying to solve a mystery and thanks to dis-info dutchie the NWS finally provided the answers to how they adjust the sensitivity of the antenna. It has nothing to do with scalar weaponry he ripped off Tom Beardon. But hey who am I to point out dumbass dutchie cherry picks his data using confirmation bias to blame it on haarp?

So he sells t-shirts to make people believe he discovered directed energy weapons that are nothing moar than computer part failures.
Today someone wanted their money back. We warned ya.
He knows what is going on and he continues the scam.
Dutchsinse is a fraud.

Watching storms well north of our region this evening if they can hold together as they drift southward. If they do, they will impact our area late tonight into the overnight.

Sunspot AR3664 (a.k.a. AR3697) has decayed, but it is still potent. It just emitted another X-flare, the third this week. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the extreme ultraviolet flash from the X1.1-class explosion:

Radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, briefly causing a shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific side of North America. Signals below 30 MHz faded for as muchch as 30 minutes after the flare's peak (2203 UT).

This flare may have been too brief to lift a significant CME out of the sun's atmosphere. Stay tuned for confirmation

Mesmerizing footage from the Krasnodar region: a hail-breaking cannon saves the harvest in the Labinsky district

For the second day now, a storm warning has been in effect in Kuban. The day before, a powerful hailstorm hit several districts of the Krasnodar Territory. In some places the crops were damaged, in others the roofs of houses and cars were damaged.

But people in the Labinsky district know how to escape from hail. There they “fought off” him with the help of hail-breaking cannons. Every 5 seconds she launched sonic shock waves into the air. They stop the formation of hail, turning it into a regular downpour.

-This week we are talking with Dr. Robert Palmer, the Executive Director of the Advanced Radar Research Center at the University of Oklahoma, about their new Horus Radar. The Horus Radar combines Dual Polarization and Phased Array technology to provide high quality radar data at a speed never before seen. Current Nexrad radars send out updates very 3-5 minutes, but with the Horus radar we would be able to get radar updates in just a few seconds.

Here is an old video to add into the shitboot archives... Not like doomsday dutchie can produce any proof of his lousy usgs conspiracy.
This event in 1996 mite clear up any confusion before dutchsinse ripped off haarptard rings from nln and lies about it being his discovary.
But hey am I to point there is no proof scalar weapons or doppler nexard radar is using microwaves to heat atmosphere, ionizing the air to create tornadic turbulence and targeting metro areas with tornadoes.

Mead’s Quarry Lake is closed after a rockslide left one person hurt and many shaken up Saturday evening.

Ijams Nature Center is asking the community to avoid the quarry and the adjacent Tharp Trace Trail as they assess the damage.

According to one Knoxville resident who was there at the time, the situation was terrifying.

“Looking back at it I’m kind of kicking myself in the butt because I kind of noticed the rocks starting to fall for about 10 or 15 minutes, and right as I started to process all of that the whole thing just came down,” said Matthew Lloyd.


RADAR pulse.

May 27, 2024

See it live on the feed now.

Just in case, we better watch this location for up to 72 hours for the center of the pulse to be hit by severe weather (assuming this is real , that they're not faking it).

We're watching for the potential of strong to severe thunderstorms capable of damaging winds, large hail, a brief isolated tornado and heavy rain. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect until 11 a.m.

The Big Apple is electric!

Lighting struck two of the city’s iconic skyscrapers Wednesday night as a thunderstorm pounded Manhattan.

Dramatic photos captured the split-second moments lightning bolts zapped both the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center.

rain and causing floods that forced more than 8,000 people to flee their homes.
Local authorities said at least seven people had been killed by tropical storm Ewiniar, which hit the country on the weekend, and President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said that search and rescue efforts would continue.

Ewiniar brought strong winds and heavy rain in provinces south of the capital, Manila, shutting down airports and seaports while disrupting power supply.

The storm was heading towards the east coast of Japan yesterday, with sustained winds of up to 130kph and gustiness of up to 160kph.

A 14-year-old girl was confirmed dead in southern Misamis Oriental province after a tree fell on a parked vehicle she was boarding. Another student was injured, the national disaster agency said in a report.

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, May 30, 2024 / -- This year's confidential Bilderberg conference is expected to start in Madrid. New study shows that dozens of attendees of Bilderberg got influential political positions. Since 2019, EU, NATO, IMF, and UN have been chaired by people who participated at Bilderberg prior to their appointment. Bilderbergers also occupy other top posts like the heads of the European Council, European Central Bank and Eurogroup. French president Macron is Bilderberger and the day after his inauguration, Bilderberger Philippe became Prime Minister. Macron's candidate, Bilderberger Georgieva, leads IMF thanks to change of selection rules.

Since 1954, the Bilderberg Group has functioned as one of the platforms for transatlantic elite networking and coordinating. The club has been organizing annual several days informal and highly exclusive conferences for approximately 130 politicians, businesspeople, and intellectuals, mostly from Europe and North America and marginally from Turkey.

Drawing on elite theory, the study argues that to certain extent, affiliation with the Bilderberg Group and/or other similar (transnational) elite clubs/networks might serve as career elevator. Participants of such meetings strengthen valuable contacts and gain insider information. And they sometimes receive backing in professional life from their club's fellows.

For instance, member of Bilderberg Group's steering committee José Manuel Barroso used Bilderberg conference in 2016 to lobby for Bilderberger Kristalina Georgieva's nomination to the post of UN Secretary General (, 10.6.2016). Yet, eventually, the race for this position was won by another Bilderberger Antonio Guterres. During his mandate, at least two Bilderbergers (Miguel Ángel Moratinos and Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert) were selected as UN representatives, the study documents.

And later in 2019, Georgieva was installed into another prestigious function, namely that of the director of IMF. She did not meet the initial criteria for this job (age limit and support from sufficient states), but the rules were sidestepped or changed in her favour. The decisive factor was Georgieva's strong backing from Bilderberger Emmanuel Macron.

In EU, Bilderbergers occupy the top posts of 1) president of the European Commission (Ursula von der Leyen), 2) member of the European Commission (Jutta Urpilainen, Margrethe Vestager), 3) president of the European Central Bank (Christine Lagarde), 4) president of Eurogroup (Paschal Donohoe), 5) president of the European Council (Charles Michel). „Von der Leyen and Michel attended the same Bilderberg conference in 2015 and subsequently in the same year 2019 they both gained highest positions in EU,“ the study stresses.

Originally, Manfred Weber was expected to become head of the European Commission. But he was not so well-connected. The study quotes Politico (11.7.2019), which stated: „Bilderberg. Davos. Munich. (…) Ursula von der Ley

Floridians may have another chance to see the northern lights as soon as next week.

According to Live Science, a “monster” sunspot responsible for the aurora borealis that painted skies as far south as Florida and Mexico could return for an encore on June 6.

Live Science reported that the sunspot is still active and will face Earth during next week’s new moon.

A Tenerife travel warning has been issued with a volcano sparking a risk to travel - as a "seismic swarm" hits the Canary Islands. Tenerife, one of the main Canary Islands and neighboured by the likes of Lanzarote, is visited by thousands of UK tourists and holidaymakers each and every year.

Tenerife has not seen major volcanic activity since 1909, as fears grow of a possible eruption. The Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcan) said it had detected dozens of small earthquakes with 26 in the southwest sector of the Las Cañadas del Teide crater, the island's largest volcano.

Scientists are reporting a "seismic swarm" as a result. This increase in seismicity is believed to be due to a pressurisation process within the volcanic-hydrothermal system, likely linked to the injection of magmatic gases into the system.

READ MORE Nationwide issues £391 warning to every customer who has a credit card

Involcan emphasised that this seismic activity does not pose any danger to the population and does not indicate a change in the probability of a volcanic eruption occurring in Tenerife in the short to medium term.

The activity was recorded between 1:42am and 6:08am on Tuesday, according to the volcanological institute's report released yesterday. The earthquakes were registered at depths ranging from 5 to 10 kilometres, but the biggest recorded magnitude of these tremors was only 1.2 on the Richter scale.

The last major eruption in Tenerife was at the beginning of last century. The Chinyero eruption took place on November 18, 1909 and lasted for ten days. There is one major volcano on Tenerife, known as Mount Teide. It is a relatively unique stratovolcano, as it is located on top of a shield volcano.

It has one of the tallest peaks on Earth, only slightly smaller than Hawaii's Mauna Kea. The islands with the most volcanoes are Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Palma.

The controversy surrounding historical symbols such as the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag reflects a deeper conflict over the very soul of the nation.

The latest target of leftist iconoclasts is a Revolutionary War-era flag emblazoned with an unassuming pine tree and the words “An Appeal to Heaven,” which was seen flying outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s New Jersey vacation home.

Predictably, these four words have caused left-wing media outlets, such as Slate, to panic as any appeal to God by government officials instantly sends leftists into hysterics about the rising threat of “Christian nationalism.”

According to Slate writer Molly Olmstead, the Pine Tree Flag has been divorced from its historical roots and now serves “as a symbol of the spiritual fight to push Christianity deeper into society and especially into politics.”

“The idea that the symbol is pulled from U.S. history could grant the flag a veneer of democratic legitimacy,” Olmstead continues, “but no one should confuse it for a contemporary democratic symbol. It’s a resurrected emblem, with a uniquely theocratic twist.”

In reality, Democrats are using the religious associations of the “Appeal to Heaven” flag as a flimsy pretext to further erode American history and silence dissent from conservatives — as other flags rooted in the American Revolution are now viewed as “symbols of the far-right.”

Conveniently for Democrats, due to the presence of historical flags like the Pine Tree Flag at the Jan. 6 demonstrations, anyone who pays tribute to America’s historical legacy can now be painted as a potential “insurrectionist.”

Of course, social justice symbols, such as the “pride” and BLM flags, which cultivate their own religious devotion, receive no such concern or pushback from the nation’s left-wing chattering class. These symbols not only are elevated to positions of prominence at the White House but receive special legal protections. For example, people have been charged with felonies for intentionally doing burnouts on painted LGBT “pride” crosswalks.

The city of Bennettsville held a community forum Monday to keep community members up-to-date on their next steps after a dam breach at Lake Paul Wallace.

City administrator William Simon, was front and center to give the latest updates on their progress and answer any questions citizens may have had.

According to officials, the city has submitted several appropriations requests to receive around $2.5 million in funding. However, the city, unfortunately, isn't receiving much luck. Although it is in the process of being considered for a grant, officials said.

A magnitude 4.0 earthquake near Pierre, Hughes County, South Dakota, USA, was reported only 17 minutes ago by the United States Geological Survey, considered the key international and national agency that monitors seismic activity in the US. The earthquake occurred at a shallow depth of 6.5 miles beneath the epicenter early afternoon on Thursday, May 30th, 2024, at 2:39 pm local time. The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report.
Our monitoring service identified a second report from the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) which listed the quake at magnitude 4.0 as well.
Towns or cities near the epicenter where the quake might have been felt as very weak shaking include Pierre (pop. 14,000) located 25 miles from the epicenter, Fort Pierre (pop. 2,100) 25 miles away, North Eagle Butte (pop. 2,000) 38 miles away, and Gettysburg (pop. 1,200) 39 miles away

A typical day of leisure turned to chaos at Mead's Quarry in Knoxville last Saturday when a rockslide sent boulders crashing into the water, creating dangerous waves. The Knoxville Fire Department was called to the scene at Ijams Nature Center just before 6 p.m., where Assistant Chief Mark Wilbanks reported the rescue efforts. Wilbanks said the team quickly ascertained that everyone had managed to get out of the water following the unexpected rockslide.

One individual, however, did not escape unscathed, choosing to be seen at a local hospital, as reported by WBIR. The rescue team coordinated by KFD and American Medical Response facilitated their safe hospital transportation. Details on their condition have not been released to the public. While other individuals present during the incident were reportedly struck with minor injuries, they did not require hospitalization.

The incident, which involved three large boulders sliding rapidly into the water, generated waves estimated to be up to 10 feet tall, rocking the typically placid quarry frequented by swimmers and kayakers alike, particularly on a holiday weekend. According to an account by Calvin Sebourn, a University of Tennessee student who was fishing at the time, the festivity was shattered by a loud "boom" which preluded the quarry's unsettling tremble, as described in a piece by Hellbender Press.


Created 4 years ago.

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